Michelle Obama once said, “There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish.” I couldn’t agree more. But, in traditionally male-dominated industries like technology, it can be difficult for women to find their voice and a seat at the table. Women’s History Month is a reminder of the progress we’ve made and the work that still lies ahead—but for those of us in the field, championing and elevating women is a priority every day of the year.
As a women-owned and led agency, we are committed to representation and making space to listen to different voices. We give everyone leadership opportunities, from leading company-wide meetings to heading up internal teams and agency initiatives. We have shaped agency teams dedicated to DEI, to philanthropy, to cultural celebrations, and more. Infused in our DNA since day one (more than 20 years ago) is personal freedom, boldness, and empowerment. That’s what Offleash means.
In addition to celebrating the women of Offleash this month, we also want to shine a spotlight on the female powerhouses we work with, both on the client side and across the industry more broadly. Each day, they drive progress and inspire the next generation of women in tech. In their honor, we’re excited to unveil a blog series where they share their best advice, career lessons learned, and musings on being a woman in tech.
Curious about what’s in store? Here’s a sneak peek:
After 25+ years in the tech industry, I’m pleased to kick off our series by sharing some of the most important lessons throughout my career:
Women over-apologize. I carry a healthy amount of perfectionism, guilt, and empathy, so this lesson has been a work in progress over many years. My younger self would immediately jump to apology, when often there was no justification for it. Now, I reserve “I’m sorry” for true miscalculations and hurt. There are a million more powerful ways to address a situation, and when you don’t overuse it, saying “I’m sorry” will carry more weight.
Speak up. Whether you’re young, inexperienced, or new to the job, don’t be quiet. Be curious. As an introvert, I’ve battled terrible shyness in my life and was never quick to speak up at school or work. My advice now? Start by asking questions. And never, ever join a meeting and don’t utter a word. This simple rule will build confidence in your own voice and make it heard.
Hindsight is 20/20. My mother always said this, and I’ve finally internalized it enough to make it part of my running narrative. As a perfectionist, I often catch myself looking at what I could have done or said differently or better, which can be completely counterproductive to running a business. Stop looking backward and focus on the present.
Take a step back, vs a step out. Perspective is everything. If you’re stuck, try taking a break and focus on something new. Take a walk. Take a mental day. Take a freaking vacation. It’s far too easy to give up and peace out of the project, the argument, the job, the workout, the relationship, when really you may just need a break from whatever it is working against your mindset and success.
As we celebrate Women’s History Month, we recognize the incredible impact of female leaders in the tech sphere and beyond. But the conversation doesn’t stop here: Stay tuned in to the Offleash blog as industry trailblazers share their wisdom, experiences, and advice for the next generation. We can’t wait to highlight their stories, and we hope you’ll join us in learning from them or sharing your own.