Mother’s Day Reflections: Offleash’s Rockstar Moms Share the Profound Lessons of Parenthood


Working moms have a lot to face in their day-to-day lives. It is commonly said that being a mother is the equivalent of working 2.5 jobs. But, studies have shown that the impacts of coming from a family with working mothers are overwhelmingly positive. The Atlantic reported that 23 percent of daughters raised by working moms earn more than daughters raised by stay at home mothers, as well as being more likely to be employed, and to be supervisors at work. So, though it may feel overwhelming at times, we choose day in and day out to show up for both our careers and our families, and we would not have it any other way.

This Mother’s Day, the rockstar moms of Offleash are discussing parenthood, and how they apply those principles to everyday life.

Q: What is the most profound thing parenthood has taught you, and how does it inspire you day to day?

“Parenthood has taught me patience and the importance of self-expression, giving people space and freedom to grow into their own, and setting guidelines, expectations (and consequences!) Being a parent has made me become a better leader because many of these principles carry over into my work life. As a leader, I want my employees to do well, develop, learn and succeed. At Offleash we’ve created a safe space for our team to express themselves, contribute, learn, and grow into great leaders. This has shaped our incredible culture and being a part of the magic we’ve created—together as a team—inspires me every day.”

– Julie Tangen, Partner

“Being mama to Ava and Eliza has taught me to put family first. While it has certainly laid bare all my weaknesses and worries, it’s also opened up so much love in my heart I could burst! Right now parenthood is teaching me hard about letting go. I’m inspired by my children to do and be better every day, because I know they’re watching!”

– Robin Bulanti, Partner

“This is a tough question as parenthood has taught me more than I ever expected, and completely and utterly changed me as a person. All the mushy stuff aside (like teaching me unconditional, selfless love and finding the true meaning of my life and wanting to be a better person), perhaps what has surprised me the most is that I am more curious than ever—and I question the importance and value of everything. I am more curious about people, the world, my work, why things are done the way they’re done, the list goes on. Being a mom has also forced me to re-evaluate everything and ask myself, why does this matter? Why is this important? Becoming a parent has not only led to profound personal growth, but professional growth as well.”

 – Tanya Carlsson, Vice President

“One of the most profounding things parenthood has taught me is the power behind empowerment. Empowerment breeds confidence, and confidence leads to independence. By empowering our littles to be confident in their own skin and celebrating their wins (and failures), they learn to become confident in themselves and their choices. There is so much power behind empowering others. This is a lesson I try to apply to all of those in my life, not just with our children. What an incredible experience it is to get a front row seat at watching those you care about blossom into beautiful, strong, unique beings.”

– Tanaya Lukazewski, Vice President

Well, I’m rather new to the parenthood gig, so I still have a lot to learn. But in my 2 1/2 years, the most profound thing that parenthood has taught me is to lead by example. From the moment they are born, these miracles look up to you—they soak in everything you say or do—every move you make. It’s rather scary, if you ask me! Because of this, my daughter inspires me to be a better human being on this earth every day because I want her to be the best human she can be. And with each day that goes by, we learn to build more faith in our family (Faith is her name) as we continue to grow together.”

– Danielle Salvato-Earl, Vice President

“As a PR professional, I thought I was a pro at change management. You never know what the day will bring and that’s what makes working in PR so fun, but nothing prepares you for how quickly a situation can change with three young kids at home during a pandemic. Being a parent during this time has taught me so much about what I can and cannot control. I’ve learned to adapt quickly and focus on what I can do rather than what I cannot. I always start the day with a plan but I am prepared for that plan to shift and most of the time, make the day better.”

– Stephanie Schlegel, Account Director

“Parenthood has taught me to slow down and enjoy every moment. As cliche as it sounds, time really does go by incredibly fast. I try to consciously remind myself that my son will never be as young as he is today. That helps quiet the voice in my head telling me to rush to the next thing on the to-do list and allows me to stay present, enjoy each moment, and have a little more fun. Parenthood has also taught me the power of preparedness! You never know what will happen next as a parent, so even something simple like prepping lunch boxes the night before helps make staying in the moment the next morning much easier.”

– Erica Anderson, Account Manager

“In my life, there has never been a shortage of love. Being a daughter taught me how to give and receive love, which prepared me so greatly for being a parent. This Mother’s Day, I am preparing to welcome my second baby into the world, and I am feeling my ability to love multiply. I am simultaneously wondering how it’s possible to love something as deeply as I love my son, while also so effortlessly needing my daughter, who I haven’t even met yet. The most profound thing I have learned about being a parent is that there is such an endless chasm of love inside of all of us, and I truly believe that it is our greatest superpower as human beings. In my day to day life, this inspires me to give all of myself to the people in my life, and to not hold back.”

 – Nina Beck, Social Media Specialist