Julie headshot 1

Julie Tangen



Cupertino, CA


Humboldt State University

Favorite news sources:

CNN, The Washington Post, BBC

Outside Work:

Traveling, storytelling, transcendental meditation

Julie has more than two decades of experience launching and creating communications strategies for BtoB companies of all sizes and stages. As partner and co-owner of Offleash, Julie focuses on both business development and working with clients on high level messaging/story building, PR strategy and program execution across a wide array of technology areas, including cloud, infrastructure, marketing, Big Data, Business Intelligence and analytics, IoT, AI and Open Source. 

A veteran in the development space, Julie’s roots extend back to her work with Mercury Interactive, Borland, Compuware and Embarcadero, to some of today’s hottest companies, such as Tigergraph, Sourcegraph, Neo4j, Sauce Labs, and dozens of others looking to differentiate themselves and lead a market that’s always innovating.