Why generative AI will be generating a need for authentic content


When was the last time you went a day without hearing about generative AI? It’s probably been a while.

It’s the latest technology craze that’s changing the way we work, and it has world-altering potential. One of generative AI’s most pertinent applications is—as its name suggests—its ability to generate written content. AI is proving invaluable for this application, but there are limitations to its capabilities.

Just as automation took over other menial tasks for humans (and therefore saved us a ton of time), generative AI is filling in by writing things we don’t necessarily “want” to or have the bandwidth to write. Think product descriptions, basic web content, tedious legal documents, financial reports, and the like. 

It can also take things a step further by composing prose, like poetry or short stories. By now, everyone’s played around with ChatGPT, and I’m no exception. I have to say, the poems I’ve instructed it to write have been surprisingly amusing; dare I say even impressive. 

Yet, there’s something missing. Especially when it comes to longer-form content. Reading more than a few paragraphs of AI-generated text causes one’s eyes to glaze over pretty quickly. I believe the reason is because—at the risk of sounding cliché—it’s just missing that human touch. 

As it stands, AI can’t infuse written content with the wit, humor, and personal anecdotes that come from human experience. It can’t create side-splittingly funny patter, stories that move readers to tears, or the artful prose that gets you lost in a book. I recently chatted with a client whose friend is an obituary writer. (Would you trust AI with a task as delicate and nuanced as writing an obituary for a loved one?) We agreed that he was in no danger of being replaced by AI anytime soon.

What AI can do is provide a helpful jumping off point for content creation. And in many ways, it has raised the bar. That same client smartly remarked that, if you can’t write something at least as good as—or better than—AI, then maybe it’s time to worry. (Not really, it just means we all need to be sharpening our writing skills and honing in on our creativity.)

Content written by humans is still critical, and it will become even more valuable as we’re increasingly inundated with AI-generated text. Amidst a media landscape that is constantly changing (read: shrinking), stellar content means the difference between getting press and falling short.

Offleash understands the growing need for authentic content. Our highly experienced team of writers—including former reporters—know what it takes to craft content that stands out and lands in top-tier publications. In fact, by the year’s end, our content team will have churned out nearly 200 articles on behalf of our clients. 

Try as it might, AI simply can’t replace the experience and nicety needed to create ultra-impactful content that drives visibility. For now, at least.